Puppies Archive
6 Week Old Puppy Pics
Updated puppy pictures from our November litter. These pups can start to go to their new homes next week.
Pluto, Male Pup Born Oct 5
Pluto is still looking for a home. He’s a great little guy, smart and intuitive, this guy will be your best buddy.
New Puppy Pictures
These are the 4 week old pics from the Gwendolyn and Jack litter.
Pups 2 Week Old Pics
The Jack and Gwen litter is over 2 weeks now and they are really shaping up nice. To see details about the breeding go here https://heritage.oldtimefarmshepherd.org/2019/11/new-litter-whelped-nov-2019/
New Litter Whelped Nov 2019
Seven Old-Time Scotch Collie puppies were whelped on November 3, 2019, 3 sable and white males, 1 shaded sable and white male, 1 shaded sable and white female, 1 sable and white female and 1 tri-color male. The sire is Heritage John Worthing and the dam is 4J Acres Sojourner Good Heavens Gwendolen Fairfax. A
5 Week Pup-date
Our “Fab 5” litter is five weeks old now! They will be going to their new homes very soon. Here are there most recent pictures.
Scotch Collie Pups Oct. 2019
Five Old-Time Scotch Collie puppies were whelped on October 5, 2019, 1 tri-color male, 1 shaded sable and white female and 3 shaded sable and white males. The sire is Silver Dollar Georgie Porgie and the dam is Heritage Cecily Cardew a fantastic pair both from the Dunrovin line, they are calm, sweet, biddable smart as a whip dogs,
Introducing our June 2018 Litter
All puppies have been sold at this time. We expect another litter next summer and we do not maintain a waiting list. The Shakespeare Litter Seven Old-Time Scotch Collie puppies were whelped on June 17, 2018, 1 tri-color female, 2 tri-color males, 2 shaded sable and white females and 2 shaded sable and white males.
Adult Male Available
We currently have an adult male available, Heritage John Worthing Jack is a great dog, smart and very human-oriented. He previously lived in a household with a lot of kids so he is great with children and accustomed to small children. He will make someone a great velcro-dog as he wants to be with his people
No Puppies Available
All of our puppies have found homes, we expect another litter some time in 2018. Thank you