We are a small family run kennel dedicated to preserving the Allison line (McDuffie Old-Time Farm Shepherd) of Scotch Collie as a healthy, intelligent line of dogs. This involves careful outcrossing and inbreeding to preserve the traits that make these dogs special while maintaining health.
We generally don’t produce more than one or two litters per year.
We are located in southeastern Arizona near the Mexican borderĀ and can ship puppies from Tucson, weather permitting.
History of our dogs
The story goes that these dogs were maintained and preserved by the Allison family near Carthage Tennessee since before 1900. The last four puppies of this line were purchased by Richard McDuffie in 1994, at that time Mrs. Allison was old and Mr. Allison had been dead for 15 years. McDuffie crossed them with a couple of English Shepherds and a Leopard Cur, later he lost interest in these dogs and Chandler Strunk continued McDuffie’s work of breeding and keeping the line alive. Today we are trying to continue the work of keeping these intelligent dogs alive.
You can read more about the Allison line [HERE].